Congrats Count [nt]

Aug 23, 2019,21:41 PM

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Our Count has reached the 5K milestone! . . .

 By: Dr No : August 23rd, 2019-17:26
. . . so please join me in congratulating Moritz on the achievement, not to mention at least a decade of good fellowship. You say pota-to . . . ...  

And another big congratulations Count.

 By: Bill : August 23rd, 2019-19:13
It is hard to image you like any different than your avatar after all these years. Never change. Best Bill

No worries Bill!

 By: COUNT DE MONET : August 24th, 2019-01:24
Here and there I must have sounded for some like the guy in that movie but I think I made up for that "arrogant" behaviour in a few interesting post. Thank you Bill!


 By: Brandon Skinner : August 23rd, 2019-19:24

Unbelieveable! That was almost my pick for an avatar!

 By: COUNT DE MONET : August 24th, 2019-01:26
Count Count! Thank you for this bomb! πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘

 By: Bounce781 : August 24th, 2019-03:18
πŸ₯‚ 🍻 to many more! Well done, Count!

Thank you Bounce781!

 By: COUNT DE MONET : August 24th, 2019-12:15
I am thoroughly enjoying being here πŸ₯ƒπŸ₯ƒ

Well done Count!

 By: sham1 : August 23rd, 2019-19:32
Now for 10k!!

... and I will celebrate it like yesterday:

 By: COUNT DE MONET : August 24th, 2019-01:28
Hosting Wrist Scan and drinking πŸ₯ƒπŸ₯ƒ Thank you sham1!

That is a piece of cake! πŸ˜€

 By: COUNT DE MONET : August 24th, 2019-01:30
Thank you for your encouragement ZSHS! See you there!

Well done! :-)

 By: =RWK= : August 23rd, 2019-21:20

Thank you rwk ... Richard?

 By: COUNT DE MONET : August 24th, 2019-01:32
I am not sure if it is you?

Yes that's me :-) [nt]

 By: =RWK= : August 24th, 2019-14:15
No message body

Very good! [nt]

 By: COUNT DE MONET : August 24th, 2019-14:18

Aaaah. That is a shame [nt]

 By: COUNT DE MONET : August 26th, 2019-07:13

Oh, it will be a big, big mountain of posts ...

 By: COUNT DE MONET : August 24th, 2019-01:34
Appreciate your mind words!

Congrats Count [nt]

 By: SALMANPK : August 23rd, 2019-21:41

Thank you SALAMANQ8!

 By: COUNT DE MONET : August 24th, 2019-01:35
It was easy to come to this number of posts.

The Count is the best.

 By: Seconds : August 23rd, 2019-21:48
Regards Seconds.

Yes Count you are always the best ..I know you.

 By: Seconds : August 24th, 2019-02:33
Regards Seconds

Thank you 1WatchMan!

 By: COUNT DE MONET : August 24th, 2019-01:40
It is a very good feeling to be a tiny part of this community.

My pleasure, my friend!

 By: COUNT DE MONET : August 24th, 2019-01:48
Thank you for the insights into your collection and thoughts on watches. I liked post most here where history and links between manufacturers are emerging when certain movements are discussed. It has been a while now since we met and hopefully we will be ... 

Congratulations Count, enjoy your collection.

 By: geross : August 23rd, 2019-23:47
I particularly like your post on the Ellipse. I learn a lot from you. Best wishes ☺️ Geross

That is very kind of you geross?

 By: COUNT DE MONET : August 24th, 2019-01:51
Good to see that you liked them. Yes, the Golden Ellipse ... an eternal love! πŸ˜€

I was thinking I know a bit about mechanics

 By: COUNT DE MONET : August 24th, 2019-02:03
and then I met you here! πŸ˜€ Thank you for your detailed and captivating explanations, skyeriding and the discussions. At times I felt that a few bits of my knowledge are also knew to you (the "annual" calendar discs of Langes comes to my mind typing this) ... 

I have to join "watch tech" soon

 By: COUNT DE MONET : August 24th, 2019-12:37
I always have it on my list but these crazy people manage to distract me day after day...

That is most kind if you Art!

 By: COUNT DE MONET : August 24th, 2019-01:18
A highlight for me was the London gathering in 2015 (if I recollect correctly with a slight hang over today) where many Purists met and where I had the immense pleasure to meet you. Your posts and the words that you use reflect your personality very, very... 

It feels good to read that ChristianDK!

 By: COUNT DE MONET : August 24th, 2019-02:08
Thank you for your kind words.

Congratulations Dear Count...

 By: Cpt Scarlet : August 24th, 2019-02:54
It’s been a pleasure having you with us. Looking forward to the next 5000 !

Thank you my dear Captain, but at 10 k I am expecting a welcome from the Purists like in the video!

 By: COUNT DE MONET : August 24th, 2019-03:06
Your idea to search for a Seiko for me was a nice touch.

I will, Vte, I will! Thank you! [nt]

 By: COUNT DE MONET : August 24th, 2019-05:37

Dear Count

 By: Jurry : August 24th, 2019-03:31
Your highness, it’s been a pleasure reading most of your 5,000 posts and I truly hope there will be many more to follow

Dear Count: Congrats!

 By: drphileasfogg : August 24th, 2019-04:01
You are one of my favorites on this forum; I very much enjoy reading your posts. Best

That is very kind of you, drphileasfrog!

 By: COUNT DE MONET : August 24th, 2019-05:41
I enjoy your views on Pateks also a lot.

You all are the reason for that, Fab!

 By: COUNT DE MONET : August 24th, 2019-05:44
Next to your taste in watches, I like your style: one of a few dandies here!

πŸ™πŸ˜‰ [nt]

 By: FabR : August 24th, 2019-06:08

Massimiliano, you know that I envy you for your Kalenderwoche

 By: COUNT DE MONET : August 24th, 2019-05:47
I missed a few opportunities but still hunting...

That is correct

 By: COUNT DE MONET : August 24th, 2019-14:09
I missed a steel version "recently".

A huge congrats my friend. [nt]

 By: Jocke - Bad Santa : August 24th, 2019-05:28

Thank you my friend!

 By: COUNT DE MONET : August 24th, 2019-05:52
Jocke, I had the notion that being called a friend by you here is something you do not say just by the way. To have reached this status is cool! When I saw a picture of you and Tony in a GO book, I was such impressed and had a happy feeling that I know th... 

The Daymatic feeling is still there

 By: Jocke - Bad Santa : August 24th, 2019-07:01
but the cash is not at the momant. A grail is a grail, it should take some time to get it. Din't we meet in London? Or have I mixed up things?

Your memory is correct Jocke

 By: COUNT DE MONET : August 24th, 2019-09:17
We met at the big London gathering. Regarding a platinum Daymatic, there was a very, very good offer "recently". I thought a moment about it and it was already gone ...

First, congrats on hitting 5K, Count, and for all your contributions here!

 By: NickO : August 24th, 2019-07:01
Second, I’m really disappointed to learn that’s only an Avatar. I was honestly holding out hope that was actually you! πŸ˜€

Believe it or not, it took me a while to figure out . . .

 By: Dr No : August 24th, 2019-09:34
. . . Moritz's avatar, too ;-) . . .

Thank you NickO!

 By: COUNT DE MONET : August 24th, 2019-09:40
I would adopt the style but not the character πŸ˜€!

Thank you mj23!

 By: COUNT DE MONET : August 24th, 2019-09:45
Your collection is ΓΌber-elegant with many of my grail pieces.

Congratulations Count! (nt)

 By: Ronald Held : August 24th, 2019-10:00

My warmest congratulations and ...

 By: jimjenkins : August 24th, 2019-11:23
thanks for your thoughful and splendid presence in this forum. I have always enjoyed reading your comments both public and in our PMs. Your wisdom, knowledge and most of all your sense of humor is unique and makes this forum a very special place for me. L... 

Hello Jim! Good to here from you.

 By: COUNT DE MONET : August 24th, 2019-12:00
Thank you for your kind words. This place with its sophisticated people give me much, much more than a I can give back. It is a humbling experience to be in touch and to exchange thoughts about some finest watches, with top collectors like you here. Best ... 

Nicely Done ..

 By: elliot55 : August 24th, 2019-20:31
... Count Moritz. Cheers!

5000 Congrats Count! [nt]

 By: patrick_y : August 24th, 2019-22:36

Count 5.000 could be my new name here!

 By: COUNT DE MONET : August 25th, 2019-00:22
Thank you patrick_y!

Big congrats my dear Count Moritz!! Let’s celebrate your 5K milestone...

 By: Subexplorer : August 25th, 2019-13:53
... with a toast and wishing many more K posts will come! All the best my friend! Cheers! Abel

A toast? ... next weekend

 By: COUNT DE MONET : August 25th, 2019-14:02
Eight toasts during this weeks WS killed me! Thank you for all the pictures of your eclectic colletion AND your wonderful, warm and friendly style in writing, my friend! ...  

Ha ha ha!! Yes, you made a great job hosting this week end but can understand it required too many toasts! Lol! Thank you for your so kind words my friend Moritz...

 By: Subexplorer : August 26th, 2019-07:15
... which I appreciate so much. ItΒ΄s a pleasure to participate with nice guys like you and our friends here. Congrats again!! Abel.

I was out of town and missed replying in a timely manner! Thank you, Dear Moritz!

 By: MichaelC : August 27th, 2019-11:01
How many web communities can brag of having their own Count? We are all appreciative of your friendship and wonderful posts. To the next 5k!

I was wondering: no message from MichaelC?

 By: COUNT DE MONET : August 27th, 2019-11:21
Thank you for your great job at the AP forum! I look forward to meet you finally when you are visiting Nicolas in Paris again, for instance. That would be a good chance.

Count, I was indulging this past weekend in the Colorado Mountains

 By: MichaelC : August 27th, 2019-13:16
Usually when we go camping, my mobile phone does not function at all. I never mind, unless I miss an important moment like congratulating a good friend for a milestone! I will look forward to that meeting for sure ...  

Well done and congrats!

 By: halkcb : August 27th, 2019-18:51
Have enjoyed your many diverse and interesting posts, some cheeky ones too! Keep them coming.

One or two maybe were cheeky 😊

 By: COUNT DE MONET : August 28th, 2019-11:23
Thank you for your feedback halkcb!

happy 5 K dear Count !

 By: Seeks : September 1st, 2019-04:41
you raise so many good threads ! best regards

That is a sharp observation of you, Seeks πŸ˜€!

 By: COUNT DE MONET : September 2nd, 2019-01:15
Much appreciated!

Hey, Count!!!!!

 By: TheMadDruid : September 2nd, 2019-06:31
Sorry I missed this! Congratulations for the 5K. Your posts are always informative and entertaining. Here's to many more!

Hey Padj !!! :-)

 By: COUNT DE MONET : September 10th, 2019-12:31
Sorry to answer your post late, that is hugely appreciated! Best Moritz

Oh, no problem, Moritz.

 By: TheMadDruid : September 11th, 2019-07:33
I assumed you were just COUNTing DA MONEY.

Dear Count, I say po-tAto, but never mind about that. Sorry to be so late to the party. A number of you fellows have reached milestones in the past two-three weeks while I've been

 By: halgedahl : September 11th, 2019-08:51
rarely able to spend time here. My sincere congratulations to a fine fellowβ€”always kind and positive. Just the sort that keeps this forum civil and collegial. Respect is the byword here, and that's why I've stayed and enjoy each and every visit. Many than... 

Collegial ... that humbles me, halgedahl

 By: COUNT DE MONET : September 15th, 2019-12:45
That is exactly how I see my fellow Purists here, as people who I respect and like, knowing that I am been seen and treated the same way. Thank you for your kind words that are never too late!

And congratulations from me too!

 By: cazalea : September 11th, 2019-11:01
Sorry to have missed this thread whilst I was up sojourning in Alaska. You know we have a whole staff who generate the usage statistics - working around the clock. This guy is dedicated to counting Nico's posts Thanks for adding (pun intended) to this com...  

LOL πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

 By: COUNT DE MONET : September 15th, 2019-12:49
Purists can be fussy people and very keen on numbers and accurate statistics ... nur THAT much πŸ˜€! Thank you Cazalea for this nice congratulation!